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Angular Espresso

Boilerplate for an AngularJS app running on an Express backend, written in CoffeeScript

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Angular Espresso

Start an app with AngularJS on the client, Express + Node + Socket.IO as your backend, all written in CoffeeScript.

Current version

Current version: 0.3.0

This version includes the following components:


You need to have installed node and CoffeeScript. Make sure you install CoffeeScript globally. You also need LESS.

Once you have them installed, extract the downloaded file, go to the directory it was extracted to and run either or setup.bat, depending on your OS.

Cakefile Usage

Once you install the dependencies, use the Cakefile for performing different actions:

cake build                # Builds app
cake build:module         # Builds the Espresso module
cake build:client         # Builds client scripts
cake clean                # Clean module and client
cake clean:module         # Cleans the Espresso module
cake clean:client         # Cleans the client
cake run                  # Runs the app (you must build first)

The typical usage would be:

cake build
node app # or cake run

Your app will be running on http://localhost:8080


There's no configuration for using Angular Espresso, all you need to do is clone/fork the project, install its dependencies with npm and run your node app.

Your .coffee files should be under the "app" folder. The structure is the following:

NOTE: Each directory has a README file with more detail

At the root folder, there are two more folders to consider:

  • Styles: Your LESS styles should go in this directory. Keep in mind that the project has Twitter Bootstrap already included
  • Views: Your views/partial views should go here
  • In the future, I will be adding support for testing. I won't implement file watching until it is stable in node.


    If you want to help, fork/clone/share the project, suggest new features, and/or submit pull requests, contact me directly at or @_williammora


    William Mora - @_williammora -


    For more on AngularJS:

    For more on CoffeeScript:

    For more on Express:

    For more on Socket.IO:

    For more on Jade:

    For more on LESS: